

We want to make your life easier. If you are anything like us, you regularly order something online. Handy and easy!

But what is not so convenient is the last step of your order: the delivery. Running after your courier, waiting for him at home, calling the neighbors or getting distracted yourself during your work or private moments ...

With Boxie, this is a thing of the past. All your deliveries are safely waiting for you at your home. This gives you more time for the really important things in life, without stress and without worries.

“The Last Mile”

The Last Mile - the final stage of delivering online ordered products to the consumer's home.

Did you know that almost 7 out of 10 Belgians have already made an online purchase ? Chances are that you are one of them . Then this scenario will certainly sound familiar to you: at the moment your package is delivered, you have just left the house. Your mailbox is empty, except for that familiar message from the delivery person. You know, that you can pick up your package the next day at the post office a few kilometers from your home, which is only open one day a week after 6 p.m. Or that it will be delivered again the next day, which is again inconvenient for you.

The hustle and bustle of everyday life doesn't make it any easier. How can you plan your availability to receive your parcels ? Delivery at work is becoming difficult... Indeed, employers are increasingly reluctant to facilitate the reception of their employees' parcels. The growth of online commerce in recent years has only made the problem worse and today , 10 to 15% of deliveries do not reach the end customer on the first visit .

Moreover, cities are becoming increasingly congested with delivery vans, which travel thousands of kilometres from door to door. It has been clear for some time that traffic jams do not stop at the edge of the city. Not only in city centres, but also on regional roads and in village centres , last-mile deliveries are increasingly encountering problems . And that has not only an economic cost, but also an ecological cost that is difficult to justify .

So, it can be done better. Much better. First, we thoroughly analyzed the market and the existing solutions. What do you know? They are far from perfect. With Boxie, we want to tackle this problem with an innovative and unique solution .

The emphasis of our smart parcel mailbox lies on three strong pillars:




Our solution offers real added value for all parties:

I: for B2C individuals,

who benefit from a new, flexible, environmentally friendly and safe delivery method.

II: For B2B courier services,

who optimize their reporting rate, reduce the number of stops and consequently also reduce their costs for e-tailers who can offer a new, more environmentally friendly form of delivery. A win-win situation, because in this way cities and municipalities can relieve the congestion in their streets. In other words: more efficient delivery contributes to alleviating traffic jams in Belgium!

Your advantage:

When you order a product as an e-shopper , effective delivery is crucial for your satisfaction score . After all, a bad experience quickly discourages you from ordering again, right?

As an e-commerce company, you want to avoid this phenomenon , because it has a direct impact on your brand image . Customers who order products from you want to enjoy their purchase without any worries and preferably as soon as possible . Parcels that do not arrive or that they have to pick up at a later time do not fit in with their expectations. In addition, you promise fast and worry-free deliveries and often within 24 to 48 hours. With our smart parcel mailbox, you can keep these promises and your customers will trust online purchases more often.

The same also applies to the delivery service , for whom a closed front door is not only a waste of time, but also of money. With our smart parcel mailbox, your employee can deliver the parcels that are scheduled on the route at any time of the day and with 100% certainty . And that without losing time waiting for a response from the recipient or the chance that parcels get lost due to delivery to the front door, next to the house, to a neighbor or collection point. In addition, with our solution, no parcel goes through the selection at the post office twice , so that you also save time and money there.


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